DESTINATIONWhere nature meets culture

In the South lies the Mediterranean Sea, the cradle of wine growing.
In the North is the Caroux mountain range, the iconic giant of the Hérault part of the Cevennes mountains. A female giant, that is – local legend refers to the mountain as Cébenna, or the ‘slumbering lady’.
Here, in the rolling landscape of the Upper Languedoc, the hills of Faugères form a balcony entwined with vineyards and garrigue. They create magnificent landscapes whose beauty is revealed only to those prepared to go deep into the heart of the wine region with its rugged accent.
The wine growers are never far away, ready to share some of their stories and point them in the right direction.
Footpaths, dry stone walls, stone huts or capitelles, the windmills of Faugères, the castles of Cabrerolles and Caussiniojouls, Roquessels chapel…
This is a destination that stays out of the public eye, where nature meets the culture of yesterday and today.